Gear for Winter Surfing in Alaska

Wetsuits, camera housings, and other essential gear for surfing in Alaska
A quick glance at the thermometer gave me a chill to my bones. Was I really about to jump into this 42 degree water?
I am immediately grateful for my Quicksilver 5/4/3 mm Syncro Chest Zip Wetsuit.
5/4/3mm Syncro Chest Zip Westuit
The water is glass with a slight offshore breeze, and barely a cloud in the sky.
The contrast between the ocean, the mountains, and the sunset are remarkable, and I quickly adjust the settings on my camera via the Ikelite- 200DL Underwater Housing and begin shooting.
200DL Underwater Housing
I float on my back feeling each low wave pull me farther from shore. I look back and see the next set, and I roll over and begin to kick rapidly, building speed to catch the next wave, which is exactly what the Open Heel SplitFin was designed for.
Atomic Aquatics
Open Heel SplitFit
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