Paisajes Pintados
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Four friends and their dog hike through dense groves of poplars and lengua trees to Lago Pinilla, a pristine alpine lake with towering glaciers overhead.

by Pablo Soji

It is late fall in Patagonia, and the mountains are nearly empty of snow. In its place the orange, yellow, and gold color of the lengua trees form a bright ring between the tower green cyprus below and the stark, glacier-carved granite above.

A fall to the summit of Cerro Tata near Futaleufú in Chilean Patagonia. A film by Ruta 7.Read about a similar hike to Lago Pinilla here:https://thejournalofl...


It is the best of times for exploring the ridges and ranges and lakes that otherwise are inaccessible due to snow and rain, and we set out for Lago Pinilla, a glacier fed lake on a southern side of a peak dividing the Rio Futaleufú and Rio Azül valleys.


A thousand meters of elevation gain and we are gifted a plethora of colors from the trees, forest, streams, and lake. The landscape could have be painted.
