Into the Gates | Lost Gear

A Lost Gear Kit & Guide For Backpacking Gates of the Arctic National Park
I wake and feel reset. The stressors of city life are long gone.
The first task of the day is to put on a hot pot of water, mix in some fresh coffee grinds, and get my french press going. I add some extra water for my oatmeal.
The all-in-one sets from Stanley are versatile, compact, and most importantly lightweight.
Adventure Stainless Steel All-In-One Food Jar
Adventure All-In-One Boil + Brew French Press
Multi-day treks mean heavy packs full of supplies, and after three days of grueling slogging through the Alaskan Tundra I am grateful for every ounce saved, and that I remember to bring the rainfly.
I roll out of my tent and I notice the wind picked picked up from the day before, and I reach for my rain jacket.
It immediately cuts the ever-increasingly fierce wind.
Eddie Bauer
It can be difficult to capture the scale and size of the mountains and wilderness in Alaska, but an excellent way to do so is with a 100-400mm telephoto lens to “collapse the shot” of a closer subject with the much, much larger background. It helps to have the 42 megapixels of the Sony A7riii to crop and enlarge.